Dr. Peter Salovey からのメッセージ
I have been a colleague and partner with Takayama-san and University CO-OP for more than a decade. Takayama-san has been our host in Japan many times, and we are delighted to be working with them once again. In particular, we all recognize his expertise in the area of Emotional Intelligence (EI). And I know that you are all looking forward to this EQ Forum, and to discussing the role of EI in your own lives, in the lives of people that you work with and of family members, in schools and in workplaces.
We believe that EI represents an awareness of the information contained in your emotions and the emotions of other people. It consists of four different abilities, and if you focus on and learn them you will be able to harness that information more effectively. This includes identifying emotions in yourself and others; understanding the causes of emotions, how they change, how they blend together, and what triggers them; managing your emotions and emotions in other people; and using your emotions to help think and motivate behavior.
With these skills, you could become a more effective friend, a more effective student, a more effective worker, and a more effective member of your family and even society.
Welcome to the EQ Forum—we are delighted to be working with you!
Peter Salovey
President, Yale University
Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology